Incompetent parents & celebrity cameos

This week we suffered physical violence. We saw our own deaths and the deaths of our siblings.

Dream parents were useless. They cried when they should have been helping. They ignored our text message pleas. In some cases, our parents were themselves the villains.

Famous guests were higher this week than usual. Scarlett Johansson, Past-President Trump, and a K-Pop Idol all made an appearance.

Popular media, more generally, snaked through the dark death theme.

A dreamer met a video game character on his way to uncover his brother's corpse. Another tried to escape ghost-hood by shopping online.

So I dreamed last night that I died. And I knew it was going to happen. I was aging rapidly and died of "old age". But I never left the earth. Like a movie, I was stuck here, seeing all the things happen after my death, but not being able to interact. My neighbors came over to help my husband, and my child didn't seem to notice or care I was gone. Some weird points, I could still do stuff, like download movies on Netflix and order stuff on Amazon. I did these things to try and show the people left I was still here. I also was texting my mom and grandma. And they weren't texting me back or showing up.


A tale of two animal kingdoms


Supernatural start to the year