Work in progress

This week, our dreams revolved around the discomfort of trying to fit in—at work, at parties, and in the roles life assigns us.

In one dream, we found ourselves side-lined in a cabin-turned-office, ignored by those around us. Even as we sought out allies, a menacing presence loomed—a car that screamed danger, forcing us to flee for safety.

Another had us at a work party that wasn’t ours, dressed up in a disappointing costume that didn’t live up to expectations. The party was underwhelming, and despite the cheerful crowd, we couldn’t shake the feeling of disconnection. Even when we encountered familiar faces, sadness and a sense of isolation lingered.

This week, our dreams highlighted the uneasy tension between belonging and escape, leaving us wondering where we truly fit.

I heard a sports car coming. I knew it was the WOW car- WOW stood for "ways of working." It was an official visit, it felt very evil and masculine. I heard the WOW car coming, at first the engine sounded like it was saying the word "WOW" but then the noise turned into a scream and I knew it would hurt me.


Cult-ural disruption


Shifting realities