Going nowhere fast
Transport dreams were unusually frequent this week.
Cars and bikes mostly. We were less interested in communal modes of movement.
We drove into trees, off the edges of cliffs, into walls. Our cars took us just about everywhere. Except where we wanted to go.
The defects of our cars were myriad. For some, they dissolved from underneath them. Or transformed, unannounced, into tiny windowless white rooms.
One dreamer found his vehicle magically bedecked with purple dragon wings. But was left disappointed when it stubbornly refused to fly.
I arrived in Japan on assignment. The person who picks me up is an old work colleague with a blue convertible car.
I am suppposed to drive the car but the car is so small that when I sit in the drivers seat my feet hith both clutch and breaks- so I can't really control the car.
We start moving without control of the car, and I go through a light barrier onto the wrong lane of a double lane highway.
I finally get the car to stop, and I am really worried that the Japanese are all over me, as they don't take kindly to people not sticking to the rules.